Volunteer Opportunities

Want to find a fun way to stay connected with your student, South High and other parents? Consider volunteering.

It is easy to get started. Just browse through our volunteer opportunities for anything that might interest you. Some take just an hour or two of volunteer time – others require a little more commitment.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact us to find out more information. Please make sure you ALWAYS check in at the front desk before you come to volunteer. ASD has new security protocols in effect, so please follow these steps for student, faculty and staff safety. Also, all volunteers need to be cleared by ASD to volunteer. Please visit this link to fill out the form: ASD Volunteer Form.

All School Breakfast

Done once every semester before school (Homecoming and February Spirit Week). Includes set-up, serving breakfast to students and staff members, and clean-up (6 AM – 8 AM). If you can’t come to help, consider contributing food.

Candy Give-Away

Quarterly, around the holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and End of School). Involves handing out sweet treats to our students and staff members during the lunch hour (10 AM – 11:30 AM).

Career Resource Center (CRC) Support

Assist the Board in getting valuable information out to parents about college visits, scholarships, awards, Parenting Nights, and miscellaneous student opportunities; Hours are flexible and need is ongoing.

Chaperone Dances

Chaperoning any of the school dances (7:30 – 11:30 PM).

Emergency Preparedness

Work with SAHS Administration and staff to continue developing and implementing an already existing comprehensive emergency preparedness program which includes preparing, packaging and distributing emergency preparedness items throughout the school.

Hospitality Committee

This program coordinates all staff luncheons (during parent-teacher conferences in October and March and Teacher Appreciation Week in May). Takes about 2 hours at a luncheon event or making a luncheon dish. Also, help with Teacher Appreciation Week activities in May.


Assist the school librarian with various tasks in SAHS library during the day, including shelving books, book reorganization, updating reading lists, checking links for digital resources, copying, and setting up displays and bulletin boards. Additionally if an order arrives, extra help is needed in processing the new order.


Assist with entering new members into the computer database. Usually done by the first day of school.


Assist at school registration at the PTSO table assisting with signing people up for the PTSO. First or second week of August.

School Portrait Day

Assisting during school portrait day. September.

School Store

Selling drinks, snacks, school supplies, and clothing in the school store during the lunch hour once or twice per month. We also have opportunities for anyone interested in coordinating volunteer training, shopping for beverages or snacks at Costco, designing and ordering sweatshirts and logo gear, implementing an in-school advertising program, and taking inventory twice a year. Whatever your interests, we have a need for you in our school store.

Click here for more information about the School Store.

Senior Parent Committee

Committee composed of parents of seniors to work on planning and implementing senior activities such as Senior Fun Day and Night of Inspiration (Baccalaureate).